Natalie Samovich

non-executive Director

Co-founder of Energopark Group and Head of Research and Innovation in Enercoutim. She develops and structures business and research collaborations focused on continuous improvements in the way projects are implemented, financed and structured.

She is also responsible for innovation research and development projects. Her goals include creation of new energy business models, internationalisation and facilitation of introduction of renewable energy systems and solutions. Her efforts have a strong focus on collaboration and Innovation, developing and managing these Initiatives.

Natalie holds MBAs from the University of Bern, the University of Rochester, as well as a Masters In Sustainable Energy Systems from MIT Portugal, where she is also PhD candidate in Renewable Energy.

Currently, Natalie is acting as project manager and member of the internationalisation task force of H2020 research project VICINITY and SHARH-Q. Natalie heads Ethics board of VICINITY project. Natalie is a Member of the ETIP SNET Work Group on Reliable, economic and efficient smart grid system. She is also an advisor to the REACH Alliance on the Education and Climate Change Adaptation in refugees matters.